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José Luís Coelho A., was born in Teresina-Pi in 1969,and to 12 the age of twelve he began painting. Coelho, name as it is known, was inspired as a painter with figurative

                José Luís Coelho A., was born in Teresina-Pi in 1969,and to 12 the age of twelve he began painting. Coelho, name as it is known, was inspired as a painter with figurative style, aTreasury who lived in Crateús - EC City where he lived for four years (from 1978-1982). Its theme was the landscape of the Brazilian Northeast, cattle, rivers and vegetation. Back inTeresina, developed the technique of painting and drawing incolored pencil on paper. A year later came to Wansbeck-DF,Satellite City of Brasilia (1983), where he developed the technique of drawing and painting ink on paper cansom, on a course that made ​​by the Federal District Educational Foundation.

                He made several paintings in Public locationscovering the theme of citizenship. Participated in the project-Color shelters promoted by Adm Reg Brasilia, where he hadfour small prizes..; The prejeto was desenvoldo by artists who painted the city bus shelters the monumental axis of Brasília,the Rodoferroviária to the Ministries Esplanade. Alsoparticipated in the project Quadra Viva also promoted by theAdministration Barasília, where he had his painting exposed indistribution boxes Energy Companhia Energetica de Brasilia(CEB). , Rabbit, continues painting and works professionally as a painter, art-Finalist in Corel Draw and Photoshop, and likes to innovate in the area of fine arts.

robinho19 May 2011 21:07
Beauty and rabbit there my name is robinho I also doairbrushing and do restorations of antique cars I liked much of his work is ta parabens !!!! sends photos of his works to my mailand I'll send robinho_tatoo81@yahoo.com.br mine to you toofor you to know if I want my work of course! waiting to huganswers.


Vencedor30 August 2011 10:55
I would sooooo do a course in airbrushing, bought acompressor and airbrush to initiate this art but need basic guidelines to comerçar (type, mascaras, as do some effects,mixtures of dyes, etc, etc, a basic aid for whoever comerçar,could someone tell me if there are any courses in Brasilia (or around)? thank everyone for !!! force (bambamdf@gmail.com)


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