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Brazil has the second largest herd in the world with more than200 million head of cattle


Brazil has the second largest herd in the world with more than200 million head of cattle 
Fri, 03/14/14 by Flavia Sarmento | Category Casual Account
In family lunchdinner businessthe Sunday football and evenrice, beans, steak and fries every day. The fact is that this meatis on the menu and in the heart of a large portion of the Brazilian.
So even moves an important part of the economyBrazil has a strong tradition in meatAlthough consumption divide opinions.Some people are against animal productsBut it is undeniable that the production of meat has great weight in the Brazilian economy.

To get an ideaaccording to the Agriculture Ministry, the countryowns the second largest herd in the worldbehind only India where face it, the cow is sacred.
There are more than 200 million head of cattle. In 2010the country produced 24.5 billion tons of beefpork and poultryAnd75% of domestic production supplies the domestic market. Ie,go to the table of the Brazilians themselves.
But the Brazil also stands out when it comes to exportsSince 2004 we led the ranking of the largest exporters in the world.The Brazilian beef is sold in over 180 countriesAnd last year,these exports handled more than $ 16 billion.
The meat is fifth on the list of main Brazilian products marketed overseas.
Another number that impresses and gives the dimension of the importance of meat in the Brazilian diet here is thisthe Brazilian Association of Bars and Restaurants estimates thatthere are between 800 thousand and opened steakhouses in the countryOf which 400 of them are concentrated in the state of São Paulo.


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